Early menopause symptoms are sometimes not recognized as women in their 20s, 30s or 40s are not suspecting that menopause could be happening to them so early in their life. Menopause on average happens to women around the age of fifty within an age range of more or less five years.
Early menopause symptoms are the same as menopause symptoms but occurring at an age when normally women are not due for the cessation of their menses and their ovarian function.
Early menopause symptoms are basically the same symptoms as the ones happening in menopause but they occur at an earlier age. Women experiencing early menopause symptom s can experience hot flashes, mood swings, menstrual irregularities or cessation, fatigue and insomnia among others.
Every woman suspecting that she is experiencing early menopause symptoms should consult her qualified physician for proper diagnosis and discuss treatment options. Many causes of early menopause have been identified such as: early surgical removal of ovaries for medical reasons, side effects of some potent medication, hormonal failure, etc
Often what causes the occurrence of early menopause symptoms is unknown and unexplained. Many cases of early menopauses have been seen in related family members.
Experiencing early menopause symptoms can have a strong effect on a woman who is not prepared to see her reproductive life end so early. A woman experiencing early menopause should seek help and support for the grief she is experiencing. For example, a woman planning to start her family at the age of thirty five can be devastated to learn that what she has been experiencing were early menopause symptoms and can no longer give life on her own.
Other factors to consider when experiencing early menopause symptoms are that the protective effects on the heart and vessels by the female hormones are lessened. The benefits of hormone replacement therapy have been highly questioned by a serious recent study and is no more recommended as a routine replacement treatment. This said, a woman experiencing early menopause symptoms needs to discuss this option with her doctor as her heart, lungs, vessels and bones will be exposed for a longer period to this increased vulnerability.
A woman going through early menopause symptoms should follow the same healthy living advices that are given to women going through menopause. Hence, she should reconsider her diet to include healthy foods rich in calcium and low in fat and processed sugar. A dietary supplement containing calcium can be a good adjunct to her diet.
In order to prevent osteoporosis from happening, a woman going through early menopause symptom s should make it a weekly habit of exercising regularly. Such activities as walking and tennis for example are great to keep the bones strong and healthy in women in their early menopause.
A woman going through early menopause symptoms might feel isolated and vulnerable. Sometimes, her spouse might feel overwhelmed by the situation and may not be the best person to discuss the situation with.
Joining a group of women who are also experiencing early menopause symptoms can be very comforting to a woman. Hence, by being able to exchange with women who have gone through menopause or early menopause positively, a woman might regain her sense of self and pride. There are many support groups for women living menopause or early menopause symptoms that one can join. Another valuable option is to join a discussion forum on the internet specifically created to help women experiencing menopause or early menopause symptoms.