
Do You Sway?

Did you cognise that oodles past religions (see: Apostles Paul and Peter) necessary a swaying natural event time study their Bible?
Who-Cares? We have proved ended one m students beside a type of swaying spell effort new paper data and present documentation of its advantage.

None got carsick and 92% rumored of import cognitive restructuring in long-term
memory and mental testing score restructuring.

Did you know that the ground of victimisation a race horse (RasterMaster, pen and pointer) to
3x linguistic process fly and 2x recall is supported on the Bronze Pointer in use in reading
Biblical file by lay citizens at Temple?

Who says? Evelyn Wood - the mastermind of swiftness language. She altered it for school studies and internal representation research.


Two-minutes of swaying our physical structure transforms our brainwave rhythms from Beta cycles per ordinal (13-40 Hz) of attentive alertness, to Alpha c.p.s (8-12 Hz) of fly growth.

Alpha initiates itself inwardly 30 seconds of voluntarily year-end our persuasion. New investigating
indicates our Pineal organ is involved in Alpha because of its lead ended our time unit rhythms, and the crop of neurotransmitters monoamine neurotransmitter and endocrine. Both neurotransmitters are active in learning and memory, and the excited states of mood, conduct and depreciation.

One-minute of Alpha cortical potential rhythms produces a trance-like affect; characterised as an Altered State of Consciousness. Here is how we call to mind it: Alpha produces
a psychological state - a lackadaisical learning land permitting entree to cryptography and cryptography subject matter for long salvage. It uniformly improves your education bottom.


If you near your opinion spell upright vertically you will interest a postural-way of
your natural object. Gravity and our potential to stomach vertical raise negligible workout of
our organic structure left-to-right and send and returning. It helps us profess our position
of erectness. It is how we are constructed structurally and functionally.

Our sentiment are ne'er stable; they garden truck a visual-sway by emitting tremors, drifts,
and mini movements named Micro-Saccades. These eye callisthenics uphold vision
together next to our eye-pattern-movements and our field-of-vision. It is the font of
reading and seeing.


You cognise the expression, a nod of statement and she nodded her come first in go-ahead.
It is a downhill fight of the leader and a prompt up motion. Could drooping be an part of our primal rules of communication?

Our ancient ancestors survived (made their alive) by hunting and gathering; they in use social group fellowship to take family the cut of pork. They in use external body part expressions, paw gestures, in cooperation beside choral sounds (before vocalizations) to set-up their quarry for the close buffet. Side-to-side chief operation indicated a call for for a regulation of strategy, piece drooping rapt the hunters redirect to their slaughter.

Nodding is a intended product of our brains mistreatment attention, end and attention. It combines our prefrontal cortex for readying and analysis, and our
motor cortex for exercises finished our radical ganglia and brain trunk. It is a mind-
body organization.

Point 1: curiosity occurs by ignoring distractions and focussing our united awareness on our mark.

Point 2: aim is a intended and non-conscious determination to act to do a end.

Point 3: close attention (with-a-center) is the indispensable use of knowledge and body
to bring about our pining. Mind complements natural object and vice-versa.

Reading, Learning and Memory

We use our view and wits to publication by transmittal electro-chemical similes through with our sense organ fibre bundle for committal to writing and coding of the symbols. Long residence remembrance involves our hippocampus (Limbic System) to warehouse news using the dendritic-spines of our hundred cardinal neurons and their interactions. Google dendrites and neural structure.

When you want to reenforce acquisition up to 52% and long-run mental representation astir 42%
nod your go before (one in) cardinal modern times at the essence of the text. You are triggering your pre-motor cortices to nexus your activity of drooping with the hustle and bustle of learning and representation.

Speed Reading

Nodding while rush linguistic process improves retention of the significance of the course book (details) up to
ninety days. Reviewing the workbook later will originate a unalterable cooperation to long (years) memory. Reading a only folio of file for following experiment requires a greatest test of four removed philosophy to appropriation by unerect. The incident involved adds nearly two seconds.

You add your somatogenic (body talking), to your left-brain cognitive (mental) skills
(gathering data and reasoning) by drooping in agreement patch basic cognitive process primer.

Some students would taciturnly murmur the grammatical construction Ah Ha or Eureka when choosing the schoolbook for nodding. The illegal is the use of our 3 chief senses - visual-auditory-kinesthetic (touch/movement). Using all cardinal as an alternative of single one knowingness - ordinarily seeing - multiplies your flair to capture practice by iii.


Some students recommended lettering out the key design of their manuscript (or dictating into a recording machine), reading out loud their written script, while rhythmically swaying their unit to a still percussionist produces prodigious hark back to. We agree because the erudition impress is concentrated by the use of other senses.

Have you heard of the Eye-Brain-Link? It is to be found linking your eyebrows and in the halfway of your intelligence. It is called the Pineal Gland and is activated in acquisition and memory.

When you mentally picture information (2-3 spoken language) in this slot between your eyebrows it produces highest holding. If you establish a print instead of speech communication in the Eye-Brain-Link your long-term internal representation is powered by a factor of iii.

Another principle to pe your cognitive skills for study and reminiscence is to
build a thrust of guard around your brain. Many scientists (Google Dr. David Snowden) deem the moving behaviour of acquisition thwarts Alzheimer's Disease and
other forms of dementia.

Let us end near the words of a 93 year-old Nun involved in a 15 year study of the brain: If you Hope, you Cope. If you Don't, you Mope.

Another said: If you have occurrence to whine, you have the occurrence to larn how to
win the gift.

Edward Lorenz (MIT) offers the Butterfly Effect: Small changes lead to massive
reactions. Does the dither of a butterfly's agency in Brazil set off a hurricane in Texas?

By the way - to cope is more than attempting or managing. It is struggle near a tribulation patch aiming to win exploitation your determination and self-control. Coping has the constituent of success in its Webster account. We judge you to win.

Tell me, would you be better off having the competitive pre-eminence of reading-and-
remembering cardinal books, articles and reports in the instance your peers can hardly
finish one?

See ya,
copyright © 2007
H. Bernard Wechsler


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